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发布时间:2025-01-03 点击量:286
本文摘要:Sony Corp. unveiled its PlayStation 4 video game console Wednesday, showing off a machine with dramatically improved technical abilities, crisp graphics, and a slew of social networking features. The new console is a major bid by the company to regain momentum in the quickly changing, $78 billion global games industry.索尼公司(Sony Corp.)周三公布了PlayStation4游戏机。

Sony Corp. unveiled its PlayStation 4 video game console Wednesday, showing off a machine with dramatically improved technical abilities, crisp graphics, and a slew of social networking features. The new console is a major bid by the company to regain momentum in the quickly changing, $78 billion global games industry.索尼公司(Sony Corp.)周三公布了PlayStation4游戏机。这款产品展现出了大幅度提高的技术能力、明晰图像和一系列社交特色。索尼意图在这个较慢变化、价值780亿美元的全球游戏产业重振旗鼓,而PS4则是其战略中的王牌。Due for the 2013 holiday, the Playstation 4 will be powered by an x86 chipset, advanced graphic processing unit, 8 gigabytes of memory, and come with a built-in hard disk drive. Sony (SNE) described the system as being built on a supercharged PC architecture, making it relatively simple for developers to create games for computers running Microsoft (MSFT) Windows as well as the PS4. It will feature a motion-sensing wireless controller, the Dual Shock 4, that looks similar to the current version but features a touch-sensitive track pad. (See image below.)预计2013年假期发售的PS4将不会配有x86芯片、先进设备的图形处理器、8GB内存和内置的硬盘驱动器。

索尼称之为它为创建在“超强动力PC架构”上的系统,开发商可以比较更容易地研发同时相容微软公司(Microsoft)Windows系统和PS4系统的游戏。它享有极具特色的无限运动传感控制器Dual Shock 4,外型与目前的版本相近,不过减少了内置触摸板。The final design of the machine was not shown to the public, however. Sony did not announce whether it plans to launch the system first in Japan and later in the United States, as it sometimes has in the past, or simultaneously around the world. It also did not disclose an estimated retail price for the video game system.然而,这款机器的最后设计未对外发布。索尼未作出声明,解释PS4否不会按照之前的作法,再行在日本上市,再行在美国发售,抑或全球实时发售。

索尼也没发布该系统的预计零售价格。Today is a moment of truth for Sony, said Andrew House, president and group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment. The stakes are high, he added, perhaps nodding to Sonys delicate financial position. The beleaguered Japanese electronics giant has been waiting for a turnaround to materialize for years. Outside of the Playstation business, it has progressively lost ground in the race to create lust-worthy consumer electronics to the likes of Samsung and Apple (AAPL).索尼电脑娱乐公司(Sony Computer Entertainment)董事长和集团总裁安德鲁??豪斯说道:“现在到了索尼的关键时刻。


游戏机业务之外,它在生产高品质消费性电子产品上的竞争节节败退,三星(Samsung)和苹果(Apple)等公司则沦为了赢家。Earlier on Wednesday, Sony said it expects to post a $1.23 billion operating profit for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013. But it also previously disclosed a third quarter loss of $115 million, due to a significant decrease in hardware and software sales. Game hardware sales decreased 15.1% from the previous years third quarter. In January, Sony Corporation of America revealed plans to sell its 37-story headquarters in New York City, a move expected to generate some $770 million.周三早些时候,索尼称之为预期在2013年5月31日财年完结时营业收益超过12.3亿美元。


今年一月,索尼美国公司(Sony Corporation of America)透漏,计划出售坐落于纽约的37层总部大楼,预计此举可筹措7.7亿美元资金。Sonys announcement also comes as doubts about the future of traditional console gaming are mounting. Last month, Nintendo (NTDOY)—the first of the three major console makers to release next-generation hardware—slashed its sales outlook, reflecting disappointing holiday sales of its new Wii U console. The Sony competitor cut its projection to $7.39 billion for the fiscal year to March, a 17% drop; just a few years ago, it was raking in record profits thanks to its hit, original Wii. Microsoft has yet to announce plans for a successor to its best-selling Xbox 360console.索尼的声明也被视作是对传统游戏机未来前景的猜测。上月,任天堂(Nintendo)——三大游戏机厂商中首家公布新一代硬件的公司——减少了销售预期,反映出对全新Wii U游戏机假期销售情况的沮丧。这家索尼的竞争对手预计在5月财年完结前超过销售额73.9亿美元,较原预期上调了17%。

而就在几年前,由于最初的Wii带给的震撼,它的收益还正处于历史最差水平之佩。至于否计划研发最畅销的Xbox 360平台的续作,微软公司仍并未发表声明。With the Playstation 4, Sony appears to be coming to terms with major shifts in technology as well as the impact of mobile phones, tablets, and social networking on how gamers play. The console features cloud-based technology that can stream games to players homes instantly, much like Netflix (NFLX) and Amazon (AMZN) beam movies and TV shows. (Last year, Sony bought cloud provider Gaikaifor $380 million.) The living room is no longer the center of the ecosystem, said Sonys House, referring to the ability to connect to PS4 games via tablets, smartphones and the web.索尼发售PS4,指出它屈服于科技的改变及手机、平板电脑和社交网络对玩家游戏方式的影响。控制器使用云技术,可以让游戏马上传输到玩家的家中,这点很像网飞来(Netflix)和亚马逊(Amazon)传输电影和电视节目。

(去年,索尼以3.8亿美元并购了云服务提供商Gaikai。)索尼的豪斯说道:“客厅早已仍然是家庭生态环境中的中心,”所指的是人们需要通过平板电脑、智能手机和网络连接,从而玩PS4的游戏。Additionally, Playstation Vita owners will be able to use their handheld gaming device as a supplementary screen, including controlling games remotely or displaying tactical information. Sony said it would offer a motion-sensing camera system akin to Microsofts popularKinect device. That will allow the machine to pick up the movements of a player. In one example, developer Media Molecule showed a video of users sculpting 3D objects by waving a motion controller in the air.此外,PS VITA用户将需要用于手执游戏设备作为辅助屏幕,还包括远程控制游戏或表明策略信息。

索尼称之为将获取类似于风行的微软公司Kinect动作传感摄像头系统。它需要让机器记录玩家的动作。比如,开发商Media Molecule展出了一个视频,其中的用户通过在空中移动动作控制器展开了3D物体的雕刻。

Sony showed a number of game demos, some running in real-time on development hardware, including action-adventure title Knack and realistic driving simulator Drive Club. Developers from some of the biggest forms in gaming were a part of the presentation, including Capcom, Square Enix, Bungie, and Blizzard (ATVI). Blizzard announced that its PC-only blockbuster Diablo 3 would be available for the PS4 and PS3.索尼展开了大量游戏展示,其中一些在研发硬件上动态运营,还包括动作冒险游戏《Knack》和仿真现实驾驶员的《驾驶员俱乐部》(Drive Club)。Capcom、Square Enix、Bungie和暴雪(Blizzard)在内的游戏研发巨头也参予了展示。暴雪称之为,之前仅有在PC机上运营的巨作《暗黑破坏神3》(Diablo 3)也将开始反对PS4和PS3平台。

